The stages of GriefWhat you’re about to read is just the stages of grief and the amount of time people spend in each stage depends on each one of us. There is…May 14, 2024May 14, 2024
Why do people grow apart from each other?Dealing with heart break and friends moving on in life without youJan 13, 2024Jan 13, 2024
Is there any meaning to what we call living?This blog is based on what I’ve been through the last one and a half year. As much as I want to say that I’m fine to anyone I can’t and…Nov 21, 2023Nov 21, 2023
Buoyancy and TeenagersHave you ever had your room check when you’re a teenager? If not you are one of the lucky few who don’t have invasive parents. When I was a…Sep 3, 2022Sep 3, 2022
Why do we want more?We as human beings are always told that at every stage of life that we will be happy in the future. Let’s back up for a bit and take an…Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021